Application Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.1. Applicant's Name(in BLOCK LETTER) *2. Applicants Name ( देवनागरीमा ) *3.Date of Birth *4.Sex *MaleFemale5.Nationality *6. Fathers Name *7. Occupation *8. Mother's Name *9. Mother's Occupation *10. Guardian'S Name *11.Guardian's Contact Number: *12. Relation with Guardian's *13. Permanent Address *14.Temporary Address *15. Applicant's Contact Number *16.Applicant's Email ID: *17.Academic Details:a.SLC : School *b.Grade or Percentage *c.SLC: Passed Year *a.10+2: School *b.10+2: Grade or Percentage *c.Passed Year *18.Applied Course (Please tick) *Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS)Bachelor of Humanities and Social Sciencea.BBS(Medium)EnglishNepalib.Major Subjects(Bachelor of Humanities and Social Science )EnglishNepaliSociologyRD19. Declaration *I hereby declare that all the details given in this application form are true to the best of my knowledge. If I am admitted, I agree to abide by all the campus rules and regulations.Date: *MessageSubmit