
S.N.Scholarship TitleCriteriaBeneficiaries  NoFacilityRequired Documents
1.Outstanding Scholarship GPA 3.6  in SLCAllNet Admission Fee Monthly Tuition FeeHandwritten applicationA PP size photo attached with applicationSLC CertificateSLC Transcript
2.Intelligent Full ScholarshipHighest scorer in each faculty in the first year2

Monthly Tuition FeeHandwritten applicationA PP size photo attached with applicationSLC CertificateSLC Transcript
3.Poor and Intelligent Partial ScholarshipPoor and intelligent550 % of Monthly Tuition FeeHandwritten applicationA PP size photo attached with applicationFirst terminal examination passed mark sheetRecommendation letter ward office
4.Inclusive Partial Scholarship  Dalit                 Madeshi          Muslim             Disable1 boy, 1 girl
1 boy, 1 girl
1 boy, 1 girl
1 boy, 1 girl
30 % of Monthly Tuition FeeHandwritten applicationA PP size photo attached with applicationFirst terminal examination mark sheetRecommendation letter from ward office
5.Need-Based ScholarshipNeedy525 % of Monthly Tuition FeeHandwritten applicationA PP size photo attached with applicationFirst terminal examination mark sheetRecommendation letter from ward office
6.Provisional Partial ScholarshipTerminal examination topper in each faculty in each year8Following One Month’s Tuition FeeHandwritten applicationA PP size photo attached with applicationFirst terminal examination passed mark sheet
7Bhadrakali Privilege ScholarshipBhadrakali Secondary School’s +2 GraduatesAll20 % of Net Admission  FeeClass 12 certificate from Bhadrakali Secondary School
8.Endowment Funds  As per the criteria of the endowment fund
9.Sponsorships  As per the criteria of sponsor